Sunday, 13 January 2013



A report  is factual desctiption or account of events or an investigation af an issue or a problem. It may also be an objective analysis or evaluation of something. The length of a report depends upon its nature. Thus we have various forms of reports: news paper reports, inquiry reports, progress or action taken report, a police report, a report of a meeting etc. each having distinct character and format. Here, we are going to deal with news paper reports covering accidents, events, functions etc.


What , where, when, how happened
People, vehicles involved
Loss of life and property
Details of rescue and relief
The scene of the accident
Details of casualties –dead, injured, hospitalized
Reference to orders of inquiry by the govt.
Grants to the families of the killed and the injured
Punch- a warning, a reminder, a comment on the negligence of the guilty, including govt, or a recommendation on what needs to be done.
Name , nature of even
Date ,time & place
Chief Guest(s)/Guest(s) of Honour
Inauguration by(if any)
Chief Guest’s message
Details of the even/cultural programme
Prize Distribution(if any)
Vote of thanks
Conclusion with ………(National Anthem?)
The writer’s contribution or   participation
A comment on the quality of the programme


It should be written in practical and businesslike manner presenting the necessary information as clearly as possible.

- A report should be concise , elaborate details and explanations to be avoided,
only the most relevant information is included.

-Should be easy to follow , well structured , beginning with the headline-clear and factual

 Mention the place, date, time and other relevant facts about the event.

 Include information collected from people around or affected by the event.

 Write the name of the reporter.

 Provide a suitable title/heading.

 Write in past tense.

 Write in indirect speech and use passive form of expression.

 Develop ideas (causes, reasons, consequences, opinions) logically.

 Write in a less formal and more descriptive manner while writing a report for a school magazine.

 Present your ideas and impressions to make the report interesting.

Split up of marks: Total marks: 10

Title + Reporter’s name (Date & Place optional):                  1 mark

1. Content: covering –wh – points – what , when, where, why/how, what

consequences happened :                                                        4 marks


Accuracy: Grammatical accuracy and spellings –                  2 ½

Coherence and relevance of ideas and style –                        2 ½


HEADLINE OR TITLE: Catchy and brief

BYLINE : A Sub Headline/ Name , rank, position etc. of the
person writing the report(It can also come at the end.)
OPENING PARAGARAPH : A brief mention of what happened, where and how and most prominent consequence/effect along with the day, date and time when it took place.
DETAILS : Paragraph 2 & 3 give details of the event being reported. Eye witness account (along with some quotes) are also included. In case of accidents, loss of life and property is listed , cause of the accident is concluded, police action and rescue operation, damage control exercise are detailed.

Compensation and help announced by government are mentioned

CONCLUSION :  A remark as to how the even has impacted life and people is made.

You are Roshan /Roshini, Secretary of Cultural club, Hyderabad Public School, Hyderabad. As a member of N.G.C. (National Green Corps), write a report, in 100 – 125 words for your school magazine. (10 marks)


The cultural club of our school in association with National Green Corps organized many activities during the year 2010 for the cause of greener environment in and around the school.

A seminar in the month of February was held for students on the need to save environment. In April, the Vanamahotsav week was observed, which was inaugurated with a tree plantation drive. 500 saplings were planted in the colonies in and around the school.

Several inter-house competitions including poster-making and drawing were conducted which witnessed a huge participation. Students volunteered to clean the surroundings. Pamphlets were distributed among the public to promote cleanliness and hygiene.

A rally was organized in September to create awareness among the public to stop the use of plastic bags and to replace it with eco-friendly products. The various purposeful activities conducted during the year were well received and were to a great extent effective in creating awareness among the people.

Secretary, Cultural Club

News Paper Report of a Function


Sreelakshmi , Staff Reporter

Mysore , March 13: The Empowerment and Sustainable Development Initiative(ESDI) in association with the Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA), both NGOs , observed the Women Empowerment Day at Jaganmohan Palace Hall today. As many as 150 members of the Self-Help Groups(SHGs) formed by the ESDI and the People’s Welfare Association(PWA) in different gram panchayats of the area participated in the programme. The programme began with a welcome song and followed by sharing of experiences by SHG members.

Ms. Arti Srinivasa, District Educational Officer, Mysore stressed upon the urgency of education for girls. She gave a brief description of the Sarv Shiksha Abhiyaan (Education for All) under which students are given books free of cost. She told about the hobby classes wherein a 10 – day training is given free of cost to young girls for painting and making soft toys ,which could be developed for self-employment.

Dr. Amarnath, State Coordinator, PRIA, made the gathering aware of the importance of observing Women’s day and informed the women about various governmental schemes to help and empower them. Later, a play named ’There is Nothing A Woman’ Cannot Do’ was staged. A total of 2600 women participated in the function and expressed that they were better informed about the rights of women and they were willing to empower themselves in various ways to empower the society in more constructive ways.

Questions for Practice

1. You are Brinda/ Bharath. You worked as a volunteer in the Literacy campaign organized in your city. Write a report for the school magazine in about 125 words on the effectiveness of the

programme highlighting the methods used and the role played by government and non government agencies.

2. Your school observed Library week. As a head boy/ head girl of your school write a report on it to be published in your school magazine (125 words)

3. You are Poorva / Partha, Cultural Secretary of your school, D.B. Senior Secondary School, Ambur.  A week-long Music and Dance festival was organised by your school. Write a report in about 125 words for your school magazine.

4. The Debate Society of your school has recently held a workshop on ‘Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation’ (CCE) introduced for the students for class X in all schools. The students discussed the assessment made by the school on the basis of their participation in various  activities and the system of grading. Write a report in 100 – 125 words for your school magazine. You are Parveen / Payal , Secretary of the Society.

5. You visited a Job Fair organized by Ability Foundation at Chennai recently. You were impressed to see that nearly 55 companies from various sectors such as Information Technology, Telecommunication, and Electronics etc. offered jobs to the final year students of colleges. As a reporter of ‘The Deccan Times’ Chennai prepare a report in 100 -125 words. You are Peeyush /Priya.

6. Keeping in view of the frequent occurrence of earthquake in the country, your school arranged a talk on Disaster Management. Indentifying the areas of your state most prone to earthquakes, the speaker explained the precautionary measures to be taken by the public and the government in case of emergency. As a student reporter, Ravi/Rani, send a report of the event,in 100-125 words to a national daily (CBSE 2006)

7. You witnessed a programme performed by differently abled persons on Zee TV. You were very much impressed by their performance and were emotionally touched. Highlighting their talent, reaction of the judges to their performance etc., prepare a report in 100 – 125 words for your school magazine. You are Govind / Gayathri .

8. You are Latha / Lalith of Gurgaon. You attended the inaugural ceremony of the newly opened vocational stream and hobby classes at the secondary school level in Paras Public School, Gurgaon. Draft a report in 100 – 125 words to be published in ‘Gurgaon Times’. Invent other details.

9. The Readers’ Club of your school visited schools for the less privileged to encourage and promote reading habits. Besides donating books, the members also distributed books collected from individuals and organizations. Write a report in 100 – 125 words about your campaign and its success. You are Anush / Anu, the Club Secretary.

10. You are Sushma / Swaraj of L.M. Jain School, Ajmer. As Secretary of Co curricular Activitiesclub, you visited a slum area in your city where the people suffered a great loss of life and property in a massive fire. The students of your school rendered their services and material help to the victims. Write a report in 100 – 125 words for your school magazine.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< GOOD LUCK >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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