Monday, 15 January 2018



As we get ready to welcome 2018, we also become aware of the exams lurking on the other side. But there is still time and no need for panic - when you choose to do things the right way. Here are ten examination tips for students, to help significantly boost grades in the New Year.
1)       Read a small fraction of the entire syllabus: You don’t have to read everything at one stretch. Read a few chapters. It will help you remember. If you rush through them by the dozen – it will be difficult to recall.
2)       Don’t stretch the sessions beyond two hours: Do not study from dawn to dusk – for 10 or 12 hours. You need to follow the below process.
  Let your study time be composed of 2-hour slots.
  Divide these 2 hours further into x 4 half hours.
  It goes like this à25-minute study + 5-minute break = 30 minutes
  Repeat the above 30-minute cycle x 4 times for two hours.
  After this two hour study period, take a 20-minute break.
  Get ready for the next 2-hour study session (you may switch to a different subject).
3)       Take a quality break: Now that you have “served your time” for 2 hours (pun intended), make sure you celebrate with a ‘quality’ break. Do not use your off time thinking, calling, or messaging friends with study-related matter.
Give your mind a release. Whether you choose outdoor games, watching YouTube, listening to your favourite iTunes or mp3, or munching your favourite cookie – it’s entirely your choice.
4)       Focus on the main points: The syllabus is made up of Core Material and Explanations. Core material consists of formulae, diagrams, charts and graphs. Explanations consist of examples and quotations. Study the Core Material since 75% of the questions arise from here. Make sure you read the previous years’ question papers. You may thus skim out the creamy stuff, i.e., the important points.
5)       Switch subjects: Before you start, divide your subjects into categories.

                I.    Geography, Biology and History are memory intensive.

                II.     Physics, Chemistry and Maths are logic based.

                III.       English and Languages are interpretation based.

It is good to switch between these subject categories while studying for exams. But don’t keep switching every time. Do it after a 2-hour long study of one particular subject.
6)       Write it down: Read the chapter, and underline the important points. Read these aloud while jotting them in your notepad. It helps retention when you hear it aloud and write.
7)       Use proper note-taking strategies: This is how you do it.
  Breeze through the textbook and underline the important points. It should not take you more than 10 minutes.
  Convert every heading and sub-heading into potential questions – to be asked in the exam.
  Read the text again. Now write down the underlined points in your own words. Read aloud these bulleted points for better understanding.
  Ask yourself the questions you noted down (by converting sub-headings). See if you can answer them.
  Repeat these steps till you completely understand the lesson.
8)       Use Visuals: Get yourself another miniature notepad or sticky notes. Now check the points you have previously underlined in the text or notepad. Convert these points into visual cues for better comprehension. E.g. you can have a sticky-note containing all the formulae in Physics. If you are studying Chemistry, you can have periodic table elements depicted in a sequence as per their appearance in the reaction. Post these stick-notes containing visual cues on your walls, cupboards or anywhere in the bed or bathrooms.
9)       Revise Daily: Brush up whatever you study, every 24 hours. According to science, 75% of what you just learnt will vanish from memory – if you don’t revise. So, make sure you revise and engrave the information in your mind.
10)     A good night’s sleep enhances memory: Getting at least 7 – 8 hours sleep is a must. A good night’s sleep helps convert short-term into long-term memory. Get yourself the sleep you deserve – after all the effort you have put in.

The above tips will help you comprehend your lessons better and study faster. So leave aside your anxiety and get down to the actual work. All the best for your exams!
Forget the Past – Look to the Future

Don’t let the ghosts of your past performance scare you. Believe in yourself and start with a positive frame of mind. You will become a topper through hard work. If you have had a below 40% past, don’t get bogged down because of it. Scoring 85% is more about hard work than intelligence.

Syllabus Books – Don’t leave them and befriend Heavy Duty Reference Books

I have seen many students go all out and buy ‘heavy duty’ reference books. While it is good to seek extra knowledge for your future competitive exams, do not ignore your very own syllabus textbooks. I repeat – “Stick to your textbooks to get a higher percentage”. You will benefit from those huge reference books – in the competitive exams following class 12.

Work on your weaknesses

Do you read the question paper thoroughly? Remove all your test and pre-board answer sheets. Check out all the mistakes – note them down. Make sure you won’t repeat them in future.  See the positive side. Convert these mistakes into opportunities for scoring better marks.
Time Management
Time Management is the key to getting good marks. Apply the below techniques to maximise your study time:

  Do not sleep for 8 hours, like in your childhood. Uninterrupted 6-hour sleep is      adequate. You gain two extra study hours!
  You can also get an extra half hour by alternatively using your games, extracurricular or lunch periods for learning logic-based subjects like Maths or Accounts.
  It is best to use the last three months for self-study. Do not join any coaching classes at this stage. Study by yourself and note down key points.
  Study for 8 hours on weekdays and 9-10 hours on weekends. Toppers may deny it – but it’s a fact that they study as much, or even more to stay at the top.
Old is Gold – Solve Previous Years’ Question Papers        
Don’t spend a fortune to buy reference books. Try solving previous years question papers instead. “Your ability to be a topper in any subject is directly proportional to the number of question papers you have solved successfully”. Now, evaluate your performance and see where you stand. Did you get 85% right away? If so you are just brilliant!
Your English Counts
If you think that English is not a scoring subject, think again! Many students score full marks in core subjects, but get a lower rank because of their English marks. Apart from being a key factor in deciding the rank, good English also helps you express better while answering other subjects. And make sure you also work on your handwriting and drawing skills. A neat and tidy answer sheet with clear diagrams always impresses the examiner.

On the Eve and Morning of your Exams

Let the night before exams serve to calm your nerves. Relax! Stop imagining how terrible the examiner or question paper will be. And don’t try to study anything now. Go to bed early. It will give your brain the much needed ‘reset time’ – to function at its best on exam day!

Sleep for 8 hours. Get up early. Now, quickly revise all the important topics or main points you have jotted down. If something is still unclear, leave it aside. Today is not the day to worry. See the positive side; revise the other topics that are clear to you. Always remain confident!
Here is some important advice - “Leave your books at home”. Pack your things including hall ticket and stationary. Reach the venue at least 45 – 60 minutes in advance. Don’t enter any group discussions or quizzes outside the exam hall. Remain aloof and enter the room with a relaxed state of mind!
What to do inside the Examination Hall
Read the question paper thoroughly – allot yourself 10-15 minutes. Get to the roots of each question and mentally prepare yourself to answer it. Don’t worry about using up these 15 minutes. Answering the previous years’ question papers will have given you a lot of confidence, besides prepping up your time management skills! You will have sufficient time on your hands – when you plan strategically.
Start with 5 or 10 marks questions first. Make sure you assign adequate time to answer the bigger questions. Keep the final hour or half, for answering the one mark questions.
Carry extra pens, pencils, erasers along with a scale. Draw diagrams where necessary. Once done, revise the answer sheet thoroughly. Scan it for errors and fix it.

The above eight-point strategy will easily help you to get 85 percent and more in your board exams in short span of time. So follow these eight steps and watch your academic career take off!